Crisis Communication – media frames and citizen response

On October 21th, the Multidisciplinary Opinion and Democracy Research Group (MOD), at University of Gothenburg is happy to invite you to a workshop on Crisis Communication – media frames and citizen response.

It is a one-day open workshop where crisis communication scholars present recent research on crisis communication, with a focus on media framing and how citizens make sense of and react during societal crises.

Room A303, Seminariegatan 1B

10.00-10.15: Welcome and presentation (Bengt Johansson)
10.15-11.15: Tim Sellnow & Deanna Sellnow (University of Kentucky): "Exploring the Utility of the IDEA
Model for Effective Instructional Risk and Crisis Communication Message Design".
11.15-12.15: Misse Wester (FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency): "Myths and human behavior - implications for crisis communication".

12.15-13.15: LUNCH

13.15-14.15: Bengt Johansson (University of Gothenburg): “Interpreting Responsibility. Political Accountability in News Commentaries”.
14.15-15.15: Eva Karin Olsson (Swedish National Defence College): “Paving the way for crisis exploitation: The role of journalistic styles and standards”

15.15-15.30: COFFEE

15.30-16.30: Orla Vigsø (University of Gothenburg): “The Dynamics of Sensemaking and Information seeking in a Crisis Situation”.
16.30-17.00: Summing up (Bengt Johansson)

If you want to have lunch/coffee during the workshop, please contact Bengt Johansson ( before October 15th.


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